
Andries Loots

Sue Lipschitz

Claire Breukel

Mark Gillman

Glynis Coetzee

Marco Garbero

Charl Bezhuidenhout

Joshua Rossouw

Vincent van Zon

Earle Parker

Sue Lipschitz Sculpture


Gus Silber

Charl Bezhuidenhout

Craig Mark

Georgia Schoeman

Sue Lipschitz


Gavin Rain

Riaan Vosloo


Angelo Pauletti


Gus Silber

Andy Reid

Brigitte Williers

Vincent van Zon

Craig Mark
Artists need to understand that the creation of a brand is imperative to their success in a world full of talented
artists. In order to succeed they need to be unique, driven, passionate and above all street-smart.
A small group of artists have realised the importance of brand creation and have approached marketing with
gusto. They are committed to making large sums of money through their selected professions and are fast
becoming household names.
These artists have realised the importance and power of the Internet and understand the global village. They
are not as dependent on galleries as they once were. They select promoters carefully based on their
understanding of the building of a brand.
It is incorrect to think of these artists as less passionate than those that went before them. They need to be
applauded for standing out amongst the crowd and realising that they can utilise their talents to build their
own fortunes. Long gone are the days that a good artist must be a starving one.
These artists suffer fools lightly and choose to work with those who understand the modern business
environment. Gallery owners must adapt and become proficient at the art of marketing in order to work in
partnership with these artists in the pursuit of the building of their brands. Failure to do so will result in their
being left behind as these artists continue soaring to heights never before achieved in the art world.
Scott is leading the way in, South Africa, that many will choose to follow.
Craig Mark
Son of the late Cecil Mark, the respected auctioneer, Craig developed a passion for art while growing up surrounded
by works of the South African old masters. After his studies in advertising and marketing, he started his own
auctioneering firms before returning to his childhood passion for art. He now runs four Kizo Galleries in KwaZulu-
Natal, and enjoys promoting South African artists at home and abroad.
Taken from Richards Book 2005 |