
Andries Loots

Sue Lipschitz

Claire Breukel

Mark Gillman

Glynis Coetzee

Marco Garbero

Charl Bezhuidenhout

Joshua Rossouw

Vincent van Zon

Earle Parker

Sue Lipschitz Sculpture


Gus Silber

Charl Bezhuidenhout

Craig Mark

Georgia Schoeman

Sue Lipschitz


Gavin Rain

Riaan Vosloo


Angelo Pauletti


Gus Silber

Andy Reid

Brigitte Williers

Vincent van Zon

Andy Reid
When Andy Reid, owner of Vespa South Africa, first noticed Richard Scott’s work…he knew immediately it was a perfect fit for the Vespa Brand.
Richard’s 'Naive meets Pop art' style seems to gel perfectly with Classic, colourful and fresh Vespa Brand.
His art has been described as 'Thoughts produced through objects in their simplest form with colour and purity'.
We choose to see the colourful side of objects, it's in our nature. Society dictates, moulds and educates us to see the world from an angle of bias. This bias is Richard’s art, he wants to point out our conditioned view of the world through his art.
Our memory always leans towards the positive when thinking back on our past. This is our protection mechanism. Richard describes this as the colourful outer shell, with the divisions of his thick black lines differentiating our inner and outer beings. Colour is what society gets excited about and focuses on and white belies the simplicity and purity of the subject matter. The white is the reality! In Richard’s words, “When the Lines get blurred we cannot see the white from the colour”….isn't this life!
People have asked me what Richard Scott’s art and Vespa have in common? For some it is obvious but for others it might need some explanation!
When art and creativity meet they are dangerous luxuries and addictive bedfellows. Without art, Vespa would be just another scooter, without creativity, Vespa would be just a stationary sculpture! It is in this mix and the discipline surrounding it that Vespa has found its longevity and strength of Brand. Richard also displays the nouse to combine his art and creativity in a way that makes him stand out and be unique. He seems to revel in the ballet of these conspiring forces and understand the underlying business factors that maintain his art and creative abilities.
Marketing is very strong in both.
Richard has a love of Art, Vespa to me is art.
Richard has described art as 'a game', so is Vespa!
He's passionate about being Universal –Vespa is Universal.
Vespa does not take on anyone else's labels, Vespa takes the lead, Vespa is unique…so is Richard Scott.
The art world is currently quite exclusive, so is Vespa. It's up to us to break these boundaries and show everyone the beauty of Richard's art and the fun of Vespa's!
According to Richard, art has three main ingredients –Hype, Time and Product. Art is the right amount of hype delivered to the right person at the right time. Vespa is not very different, it's just the right amount of product delivered to the right person at the right time causing a huge amount of hype.
Richard is a fierce believer in Marketing and product, so are we.
Richard Scott has a huge European following, indeed 75% of his 2500 paintings have been sold in Europe. Here at Vespa we share this European love affair.
Mr. Fuel was his matric art teacher and his mentor. Mr. Fuel? Seriously? He must have had a Vespa!
Art in its creative sense is also freedom. In this world, there is an acute difference between what we think freedom is and what it should be. Let's re-evaluate our freedoms and learn to enjoy without bias. Get on that scooter, feel the wind through your body. Hang up that Richard Scott and critique its merits over a glass of merlot with friends and enemies alike, he would love that!
Together with artists like Richard let’s be colourful, be unique and take the lead in having fun with his art and our Vespas!