




2002 - Summer

I dropped off 5 paintings at Hout Bay Gallery on 2 January 2002 |
Hout Bay Gallery Hout Bay gallery owner, John Hargitai, told me he was willing to hang my paintings in his gallery.
John's partner Marika bought my first painting within 10 minutes of my arrival there, the other four we sold in the same week. Seven more sold in the following three weeks, and 112 in the next 10 months. Record after record for Hout Bay Gallery.
John has guided me over the past two years in the use of mediums and application. I owe a great deal to John who, though his advice, has accelerated the process for me to reach my current product.
 Article that appeared in The Kronicle Newspaper
25 sold in 6 weeks
Richard Scott has entered the market with a controversial style of art. People have rejected, loved and hated this new work, but the results speak for themselves. 25 of these "colourful simplistic" images have sold in only 6 weeks, which is certainly a record for a new artist at the Hout Bay Gallery. The first four sold to London in a matter of days.
"'Naïve meets Pop' is the closest definition I would use to describe Richard's style", says John Hargitai of Hout bay Gallery. In all the pieces, the subject is always depicted in white, the colour is used only in the background, thus keeping the image pure and simple.
Richard is the Creative Director with Shocked, a top Cape Town based Software Development company. So it comes as no surprise that Richard has his creative talents to painting.
Richard's work can be viewed at the Hout Bay Galley web site or at Richard own site
The Chronicle
February 2002 |