




2004 - Spring
Pop goes the easel
"Pop art - popular, transient, expendable, low cost, mass produced, young, witty, sexy, gimmicky, glamorous and Big Business.”
Michael Clarke, Oxford Concise Dictionary of Art Terms, Oxford University Press Inc., New York, 2001.
At this exhibition, Richard shows a move towards the print medium as he embraces the culture of Pop Art. Exhibition was held at the VEO ART Warehouse 28 Jarvis Street, De Waterkant, Green Point. Cape Town. Click here for more details |
Richard raises R25 000 for Hospice
The fourth Laugh & Dine event was held in Johannesburg on Thursday the 30th September at the Hilton Hotel in Sandton, Johannesburg. Click here for more details |
While on exhibition at the 2nd Brett Kebble Art Awards, MARS, the mobile phone/giclee artwork was stolen. The Burger newspaper published an artilcle on there front page and the Argus newspaper fopllowed suit the next day. Click Here to read the article. |
Business Day
In December, the Business Day published it's Art supliment. An article written by Penny Haw entitled "Small steps and giant leaps into a brave new-media world, got MARS onto page two and three." Click Here |
House and Leisure profiled Richard in there Agenda, November 2004. Richard took alot of flack over the answers, but thats art.Click Here |
Here Kitty Kitty
Kid Cats gets some exposure in the 2005 Time Out. Click Here |
Pop Goes The Easel
Pop Goes the Easel: Richard goes solo at the new VEO art warehouse. Click Here |