News 2002
2005 - Autumn SERENDIPITEA 2005 Dear Richard Working with you has made the climb to success a delightful adventure. Thank you for your very generous support in helping raise much-needed funds for terminally ill patients, who seek comfort and relief at the Hospice Association of the Witwatersrand. I wish you could see first hand the specialised care afforded the people Hospice serves because of your gift! True gratitude goes beyond words. Your active and gracious participation at SerendipiTea has helped us make this year's fundraising event a success for Hospice. SerendipiTea could not have taken place without the unconditional support from everyone. Each of us gave our time and expertise free of charge, while others lent a helping hand by donating their products. In addition to our own workload and commitments, we managed to pull together in collaboration to do this event, over and over again. Unfortunately, some valued guests, celebrity hostesses and media representatives failed to attend the event, and we can only assume that due to time constraints, work pressures and unforeseen circumstances, they were unable notify us in not joining us on the day. In spite of this, we made a difference! The devastating effects of the HIV/AID's pandemic in South Africa has had a tremendous impact on humankind, globally, and it is the people who are dying and their families who will be left behind (orphans, mothers, fathers, siblings, etc.) that need our help the most! Your selfless giving provides these people with hope and a way out of a dreadful existence. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of the team that helped raise in excess of R100 000.00 for the Hospice Association of the Witwatersrand. (Richards Work, a 100 x 100cm piece raised R15 000.00) Warmest regards ELAINE MONTAGUE DIRECTOR EVENTFUL PROMOTIONS On behalf of Hospice Witwatersrand Tel.: (011) 784-8441 Fax: (011) 784-3399 Cell: 082-322-2955 |