




2006 - Spring
A moving story
So, it's 2:30 in the morning and I've just got in to see my girlfriend who has, like me, recently finished work. She is completely over-excited, pacing around the flat with a cheeky grin on her face. She is pleased to see me but is looking expectantly and impatiently at the 3 foot square parcel sitting in my living room with a post mark from South Africa.
She clearly has more than a sneaking suspicion as to what is inside, despite the fact that I have said nothing since we walked in to Charl's gallery and we both loved your work, particulalry 'Yes, No'.
Incited by her I undo the packaging, slightly frantically, with a sharp kitchen knife. It is very well packed, which only serves to heighten the excitement. Rebecca knows, deep down, what is in there, but doesn't dare believe it.
As we both start to see the flecks of paint on the canvas, and her hopes are confirmed, she starts to cry. I hadn't appreciated at all how strongly she felt about this picture and her likely response. And it is much more beautiful than the picture I had committed to memory.
I start work in 5 hours, but we are both sitting in my liviing room, enjoying your painting in silence, both very much looking forward to enjoying it when we aren't cheating our bodies of sleep and can enjoy it at our leisure.
Thanks guys for the painting. Charl, thanks for lugging it all the way to Paddington.
Please let me know what other pieces are available as I don't want to keep this piece on its own.
Thanks and regards,

Yes No
100 x 100 cm
Impasto and Acrylic on Canvas