




2006 - Spring
Surfboard Art Auction for Charity
2 November, 2006
CAPE TOWN - The Wavescapes Surf Film Festival, presented by FNB, is calling for art buyers with Endless Summer style to attend a unique charity auction in Cape Town.
Celebrated South African artists were commissioned to weave their creative magic into 13 retro-styled surfboards made by Spider Murphy in Durban.
Works by artists such as Cameron Platter, Konradski, Julia Rosa Clark, Richard Scott, Brett Murray, Varenka Paschke, and graffiti artists Warren Lewis and Senyol will be on display at the VEO Gallery from Friday 8 December 8 to Friday 15th.
An auction will then be held, with the largest bids taking the spoils. Proceeds will go to the NSRI and Shark Spotters. The NSRI has built a new rescue vessel – to be based at Kommetjie – from their donation. The exhibition will include a display of surfboards showing their evolution over the last 50 years.
The festival of surfing subculture – supported by Malibu, GQ, Zigzag, Cape Times and Drive South Africa – kicks off with the famous giant screening on Clifton Fourth Beach on Friday 8 December. Admission is free. This is followed by surf films at the Labia and the Brass Bell, and a roadshow to Hermanus, Vic Bay, Knysna and Plett. Tickets include free entry for prizes such as surfboards, Iron Fist skateboards, Zigzag gear, and FNB hampers. The grand prize this year is a surf holiday for two to Mozambique.
A top selection of surfing films – including Shaun Tomson's “Pure Line”, the cult classic “Endless Summer”, Kelly Slater’s “Letting Go”, the soulful “Zen and Zero”, the pumped up “Drive Thru South Africa”, “Horrorscopes: Cape of Storms”, Stacy Peralta’s “Pipeline Masters”, “Glass Love”, “Shades of Bali” and “Flow” – will be screened.
Brett Erasmus, Head of Marketing, Consumer Segments at First National Bank, said: "Following the resounding success of last year's festival FNB has again decided to support this festival. Surfing is a celebration of what South Africans hold dear - sun, sea and the beauty of the great outdoors."
The Wavescapes roadshow - spearheaded by the famous Wavescapes Surfmobile Kombi provided Drive South Africa ( - hits the Southern Cape coast over the peak holiday season. Films will be shown in Hermanus (outdoors), Vic Bay (giant screen outdoors), Knysna (indoors) and Plett (indoors).
Commissioned artists for the surfboard art auction include all of whom are working their creative magic into the retro-styled surfboards, complete with two laminated wooden keel fins. The boards will be glassed or lacquered to produce a sealed, glossy piece of wall art that will be the envy of all your friends.
Proceeds of the auction, which will include comedy by Mark Sampson and music by Robin Auld, will go to the NSRI and Cape Town Shark Spotters.
To attend the auction or place a reserve on the artwork, please email VEO on or visit or call infoline
072 424 6965
Konradski from Bitter Komix, Brett Murray, Julia Rosa Clark, Cameron Platter, Richard Scott, Varenka Pashke, Rowan Thompson, ND Mazin, Angela MacPherson, Richard Hart, Senyol,
Warren Lewis, Peter Bircham. |